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Welcome to Film by A.J., where storytelling artistry meets empathetic connection to create moving stories that impact audiences.

HeadiFitbit Premium - Meet the coach- Denise

HeadiFitbit Premium - Meet the coach- Denise

HeadiFitbit Premium - Meet the coach- Denise

Tempo Fit

Tempo Fit - Introducing Coach Colby


I am passionate about creating inspiring and emotionally resonant stories for businesses of all sizes. I'm dedicated to collaborating with my clients to produce top-notch productions that connect with their stories and leave a lasting impression on their viewers because I care deeply about telling important stories.


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Some Past Clients

Some Past Clients

Some Past Clients

Use this space to share a testimonial quote about the business, its products or its services. Insert a quote from a real customer or client here to build trust and win over site visitors.

Fit Bit 

Use this space to share a testimonial quote about the business, its products or its services. Insert a quote from a real customer or client here to build trust and win over site visitors.

Julius - Musician 

Use this space to share a testimonial quote about the business, its products or its services. Insert a quote from a real customer or client here to build trust and win over site visitors.

Tempo Fit

Let's Connect

HeadiFitbit Premium - Meet the coach- Denise

HeadiFitbit Premium - Meet the coach- Denise

Ravyn Lenae- Hypnos teaser

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